2024 Committee Volunteer Application

2024 Committee Application

At the end of the committee descriptions, there will be spaces for you to choose the committees in which you are interested. If you have any questions, please reach out to Sandy Yinger syinger@pinellasrealtor.orgThe deadline to submit your committee choices is October 3, 2023.

Young Professionals Network (YPN)

If you are a young REALTOR® or just young-at-heart, the Young Professionals Network may be for you. YPN offers a way for members to get involved in charitable activities, attend unique and fun networking events, hone your industry knowledge, and grow your leadership skills.

Suncoast Global Council (SGC)

The Suncoast Global Council can help you develop your knowledge of global real estate and grow your business in this niche. Florida accounts for one of the largest markets for international sellers and investors, so this is a great council to join if you are interested in having a piece of that pie. Note: annual membership is $25.00

Leasing and Property Management Council

This council is made up of members who are uniquely qualified in this field and are dedicated in supporting our members to become proficient and professional when leasing or managing property. The council works to develop quality networking events, classes on leasing and property management topics, and special events.


REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Engagement Committee

RPAC is a tool to support champions of the real estate industry in elected office and has done so successfully for decades. This committee engages and promotes the cause to members, and educates them on the importance of this area.

Commercial Investment Committee

The Commercial Investment Committee (CIC) provides educational opportunities to advance the level of professionalism in this area.


The Ombudsman Program in its simplest definition is informal telephone mediation between two parties. Complaints that do not expressly allege violations of specific articles of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics but may be transactional, technical, and/or procedural complaints that can be readily responded to may be appropriate for the ombudsman program. The ombudsman can address and solve minor complaints from the public as well as solve inter-REALTOR® conflicts before they become serious problems. Like a mediator, an ombudsman helps parties find solutions.

**You must have previously served on a Grievance Committee.

Professional Standards

The Professional Standards Committee conducts hearings as required on matters of unethical conduct of Association Members or arbitration as requested. **You must have previously served on a Grievance Committee.


Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee reviews filed complaints for potentially unethical conduct/arbitration requests and forwards cases to either the Citation Committee or the Professional Standards Committee. The Grievance Committee also has the authority to dismiss a case should they deem that no violation has occurred. 


The mediation program is NAR's preferred method of dispute resolution. Mediation is required prior to an arbitration hearing. It is a process in which disputing REALTOR® principals meet with a neutral third party mediator, whose role is to help the parties resolve to negotiate a settlement of the dispute. The mediator does not make the decision. It is up to the parties, with the help of the mediator, to reach their own solution. **You must have previously served on a Grievance Committee.


Citation Committee

The Citation Committee works to increase professionalism in the marketplace, streamline the ethics hearing process, and protect the interests of the public. They review cases forwarded to them by the Grievance Committee, then hears both sides of the complaint and makes the determination to 1) assess a respondent the fine associated with the ethics violation; 2) assess a fine along with taking education classes to learn from that specific code of ethics violation, or, 3) determine that no violation occurred and dismiss the case.**Must have previously served on a Grievance Committee


Public Policy Committee – (PRO)

Every day issues affecting the real estate industry are discussed in DC, Tallahassee, and City Hall. This committee meets regularly to discuss important issues facing Realtors and decides whether the association needs to actively advocate for or against an issue. The committee also evaluates candidates for public office based on real estate issues and recommends to the Board of Directors the candidates to support.

Public Policy Committee – (CPRO)

Every day issues affecting the real estate industry are discussed in DC, Tallahassee, and City Hall. This committee meets regularly to discuss important issues facing Realtors and decides whether the association needs to actively advocate for or against an issue. The committee also evaluates candidates for public office based on real estate issues and recommends to the Board of Directors the candidates to support.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee (DEI)

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee has been charged with assisting our members about DEI issues and with both public and private sectors to build community relations.

Stellar MLS Board of Directors and/or MLS Advisory Council

Please complete this application https://form.jotform.com/92045954120957 to serve on the Stellar MLS Board of Directors or the Stellar MLS Advisory Council (MAC) committee. The MAC is charged with reviewing all changes to the MLS, including field and rules and regulations of the service

Pinellas REALTOR® Foundation Trustees (positions are appointed). 

Please contact Sandy Yinger syinger@pinellasrealtor.org or 727-216-3023 for this application. The role of the Foundation Trustees is to be a fiduciary of the funds and to see that the organization is fulfilling its mission and vision. They are also the spokespersons of the foundation to the community and are responsible for fostering goodwill with other non-profits and community leaders.

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Pinellas REALTOR® Organization and Central Pasco REALTOR® Organization

4590 Ulmerton Road, Clearwater, FL

(727) 347-7655
