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Jodi L Jenco

NextHome Local Expert


The Internet has made buying and selling real estate more convenient than ever. To take full advantage of the Internet to simplify your real estate transaction you need a web savvy Realtor. You'll want an agent with the experience needed to know the local neighborhoods, schools, market conditions, ordinances, etc. With my 20+ years of experience in the local market - I have the expertise and track record of success you need. You'll also want an agent who embraces the convenience of technology without losing the personal touch. You'll love the resources available on my site and the email alerts that I send, but these will never replace the time I spend with you, serving as your personal guide through this exciting process. Let's get together and talk about your home buying and/or selling plans. Call me at the office 727-368-0500 or directly at 727-686-5218


NextHome Local Expert

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