Supra eKEY and SupraWEB are currently addressing an outage affecting service. They are actively working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.

Learn about the potential PRO/CPRO + GTR unification here. Upcoming town hall: May 2 @Wesley Chapel.


Click here to search for a Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) that speaks a foreign language

Olivia Kurzban


About OLIVIA A real estate professional since 2020, Olivia Kurzban is known for integrity, diplomacy and sincerity in all her dealings, in her tenure in the business, she has first and foremost strived to be someone in whom her clientele and colleagues can put their trust and faith. A former advertising sales executive for two year, Olivia uses her unique negotiating insights to tirelessly advocate for her clients. A born in Colombia. I have second home for the summers in Cape Cod MA.

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