Supra eKEY and SupraWEB are currently addressing an outage affecting service. They are actively working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.

Learn about the potential PRO/CPRO + GTR unification here. Upcoming town hall: May 2 @Wesley Chapel.


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Patricia S Harris

Celtic Realty


Originally from New Jersey, relocating to Florida in 1984. I was a realtor before the age of technology and working the Florida Beaches. Took some time off and worked in the community for several years before getting back in the world of real estate. I now am the Broker for Celtic Realty, Dunedin, Florida, specialing in residential services (home of the New World Celts, of which I am an active member). Celtic Realty is a member of the Dunedin Chamber of Commerce. I am also a member of the National Association of Realtors and the Florida Association of Realtors. I graduated from Rowan University.


Celtic Realty
Broker/Office Manager

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