Supra eKEY and SupraWEB are currently addressing an outage affecting service. They are actively working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.

Learn about the potential PRO/CPRO + GTR unification here. Upcoming town hall: May 2 @Wesley Chapel.


Click here to search for a Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) that speaks a foreign language

Robert Gonzalez


The experience of buying a home can be difficult, especially when you are trying to relocate to another state. As someone who has experienced this myself, I know the stress and anxiety that comes with it, which is why I want to help make the process as smooth as possible as you make your journey to home ownership.

I can assist you with either buying a home from afar, finding a temporary rental and later buying a home once in Florida or if you're simply relocating within the state, I can help with that also.

I am known for my empathy, listening skills, and negotiating power. I was previously a GM for many years and understand how to close the sale while ensuring that my clients are getting a high value investment.

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