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Learn about the potential PRO/CPRO + GTR unification here. Upcoming town hall: May 2 @Wesley Chapel.

iCE iBuyers - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly! (2CE)

Thursday, October 5, 2023 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EDT)


This course is being offered through the Florida Realtors iCE program. (Interactive Continuing Education)

iBuyers (Instant Buyers) are a relatively recent phenomenon that is attracting a huge amount of attention from Venture Capitalists, Consumers and the Real Estate Industry. This business model offers quick sales at narrow margins and is intent on gaining a share of the 100 billion dollars earned annually by real estate professionals. As iBuyer companies garner headlines and news articles, there is, as always, a lot of confusion about who they are and how they operate. It is imperative that real estate agents be abl e to clarify that place in the industry for consumers who have concerns or questions. 

Objectives: After taking this class students will be able to: Understand the current state of the real estate industry and the impact of venture capitalist in the space.

  • Understand the concepts of FinTech and PropTech
  • Understand the concept of iBuyers 
  • Identify the differences between iBuyers and traditional investment guaranteed sale programs
  • Review and understand the current crop of iBuyers 
  • Review the surprises of iBuying 
  • Review and understand “iBuyer Adjacent” models 
  • Define the benefits and weaknesses of iBuyer programs for consumers 
  • Techniques for agents to use in markets with iBuyers 
  • Identify business opportunities generated by iBuying platforms 
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of iBuyer programs and the consumer

Instructor: Bill Lublin

Event Contact
Professional Development
(727) 347-7655
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Thursday, October 5, 2023 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EDT)
General Education
Continuing Education
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