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Learn about the potential PRO/CPRO + GTR unification here. Upcoming town hall: May 2 @Wesley Chapel.

Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE) Certification 2-Day Course (8 CE)

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 8:30 AM - Thursday, December 8, 2022 4:30 PM (EST)


The December 7th session, The Power Negotiator's Playbook, is recognized as an elective for ABR and SRS, and awards two CRB credits.

Day 1 - December 7: The Power Negotiator's Playbook

An interactive experience to help negotiators elevate their game! We'll examine all types of negotiation formats and methods so that today’s negotiators can play the game to win. A full spectrum of tips, tools, techniques and advantages will be provided so that negotiators can provide effective results for their client. You will soon realize that the "win-win" objective is merely a perception. Power comes from leveraging your options and alternatives so that the client has the best possible choices to consider and knows what the downside could be for each choice presented. You'll learn:

* How to be open to options
* How to effectively work with tradeoffs
* Know how to compromise without giving essential components away
* Reach a resolution that your client can find acceptable
* When and how to negotiate
* Craft a plan/strategy for any negotiation
* Recognize patterns and tactics being utilized
* Adjust your communication style to achieve optimum results with any party in the transaction
* Successfully apply the principles of persuasion to any negotiation situation
* Effectively negotiate face-to-face, on the phone or through e-mail and other media 

Day 2 - December 8th: Advanced Field Negotiations
Real estate professionals encounter all sorts of people, personalities, situations, behind the scenes issues, adverse and competing objectives of the parties. We’ll review some of the tips and tools professionals need to master so you can deal with the above to effectively advocate for your clients. You'll learn:

* What the negotiator wants
* Understanding what the negotiator needs
* Communication options for negotiations
* The main power play strategies
* Tactics

InstructorBrian Woods is a seasoned real estate broker, investor, property manager, community association manager, real estate instructor and speaker. Mr. Woods owns and operates multiple real estate brokerages, a community association management firm and a real estate school. In 2013, Mr. Woods was awarded the Mid-Size Broker of the Year Award from the Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches. He also owns two real estate investor associations in South Florida.

IN PERSON Pinellas REALTOR® Organization and Central Pasco REALTOR® Organization
4590 Ulmerton Rd
Clearwater, FL 33762


Event Contact
Professional Development
(727) 347-7655
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Wednesday, December 7, 2022 8:30 AM - Thursday, December 8, 2022 4:30 PM (EST)
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